Welcome to the YumChat.com chat room server.

The purpose of this page is to supply a single page from which various chat rooms and message boards can be accessed.
When used with the Split-Screen display format (Frames required on your browser), it can be used for accessing 2 chat rooms at one time.

VILLI-CHAT Chats Rooms
Yum Chat Entrance Page
OOC Vore Chat Entrance Page
Live Drawing Groupboard
Fur Affinity
Ink Bunny
Big Gulp Message Board
Eka's Portal Forums
Vore Swamp
Random Chatters
Voreaffinity (German)
Tastes Like Chicken Forum
VDYDN Vore Forums
Furry Vore Live Journal
Macrophile Forum
After Dark Fantasies

Two rooms can be accessed from an upper-lower frame view, here: http://www.villichat.net/VilliChat.html
Or if you prefer a left-right frames view for this screen, try using http://www.villichat.net/VilliChat2.html